Let’s back up for a minute. What was growing up like for you?
As a child, I lived in Ibadan and Benin City, respectively. And as the youngest of five children, the earliest memories of my childhood include walking long distances to fetch water and eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables always. It was a way of life. I come from a very prayerful home too. My mother is a pastor and my father is retired.
What influenced your career decision?
TAJ: My late older brother was friends with a guy whose uncle happened to be a movie marketer. One day, I got a call from him asking me if I knew someone that could act. Apparently, the actress that had been hired for that role did not show up. I told the producers I could act the part. Therefore I volunteered to replace the actress. I was paid N5,000.00 for the role and I remember feeling very excited about it. It all started in 2003.