Thursday, 28 September 2017

Domestic violence: Toyin Abraham pledges continous support for Tonto Dikeh

There is a saying that “suffering makes men brothers” if you never believed this saying, better do, because it is not just true, it is too accurate.

Before now, we never knew of a friendship between actors Tonto Dikeh and Toyin Abraham but their path crossed and clicked after they both got saved from the perils of marital throes.

Now, you can call them soul sisters as one would gladly rise for the other in the face of a trying storm.
As we speak, Tonto Dikeh is hurting deeply after it turned out that her viral interview was a ruse and a ploy to paint her black before the world.

According to Tonto, the CEO of MediaRoom Azuka had lured her after plotting with her husband.
In an outburst, Tonto had called out Azuka on Instagram sharing some of their chats.
Swiftly, Toyin had jumped in to the comment section to show her support, reminding Tonto how she had warned her to desist from commenting on the issue again…”I love you Tonto and I’ll always support you” she wrote in support of her hurting friend.

Now you see that suffering indeed makes men brothers!

from It's Kemi Filani's blog...


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