Isreal and Ada Nochirionye |
88 year old Pa Isreal Nochirionye and his 75 year old wife, Ada are marking their 57th wedding anniversary today and we are so happy for them.
They are blessed with 10 amazing children and 15 grand children with more on the way, how awesome!
Kemi Filani Blog had this interesting conversation with one of their beautiful daughters who is also a dedicated KFB reader, Wura, concerning the 57 years of being together and these are excerpts from it:
Their love story:
My dad, Isreal was a policeman in Lagos, he was based at the Obalende station.
During one of his visits to his village in Umuobiala in Isikwauto, Abia state that year, My father met my mum.
He began asking questions about her family and when he was pleased with answers, he informed his parents that he had seen the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with.
Of course, his parents were glad. they also dug to work and after being impressed with their findings, the wooing began, the marriage was planned, bride price paid and executed.
After all said and done, he married mum Ada and took her to Lagos and they have been together ever since.
Secret of the happy union:
My parents are fun to be with, even at this old age of theirs, they crack jokes and play together like newly weds.
Their advice to young couples is to always seek God first no matter what and everything will fall in place, be peaceful it paves way, be humble it takes you places and above all always speak the truth, do not hide stuffs from your spouse or lie.
The love my parents have towards God is incredible.....dedicated in their service to him. They have this habit of reciting psalms 71 every blessed day and it has been working for them.
Of course, it hasn't always been a smooth ride, every marriage has its up and down but through prayers,,mutual respect, understanding and being able to always quickly say "1 am sorry" they made it against all odds, and that is something we the kids have learnt.
The No 'baby boy' mid crisis
At a point my parents were faced with damning messages, rebukes from family members, all because my mum was giving birth to just Girls.
The first four children were daughters and they wanted to have a son. They began to search for another wife for my dad and tried to force him to marry again but papa will always respond saying "You people want to kill me before my time abi. I have always told God that anyday I go to bed with a woman that isn't my wife, he should take my life..."
Daddy was from a polygamous home and he knew the brouhaha that came with having more than one wife, so he would rather stick with this one woman than marry others. He loves Peace and doesn't like anything that will give him wahala.
After all the family wahala, God intervened and mum eventually gave birth to her fifth child and it was a Son, oh the joy. She tried three more times and got another son.
Raising up the kids:
My father loves education more than anything and the joy of seeing all his children and grand children being graduates is his biggest achievement. Despite the fact that things weren't always rosy, they ensured that we went to school ...papa will always say "Education is power" and he allowed us access to that power.
Today he has got Lawyers, Engineers, Teachers Accountants, Medical practitioners, Computer experts and more married to spouses from different Naija tribes...infact our family is blessed, we have got almost the culture in our family now.
They instilled the fear of God and brought us all up in the way of the lord.
Kemi Filani Weddings celebrates with Pa Isreal and Ma Ada Nochirionye on this 57th wedding anniversary and may God continue to strengthen and uphold them all the days of their life.
from It's Kemi Filani's blog...
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