Actress Gabrielle Union dragged BET to court following claims the network was trying to fraudulently extend her contract for 'Being Mary Jane.'According to Gabrielle, her contract stated that she shoots 13 episodes of Being Mary Jane per season at $150k an episode, but was was shocked when she was informed she would have to shoot 10-episode seasons back-to-back in order to "cram all of the episodes into a single season," negating her $150k per episode season 5 pay raise.
Bidding her fans a farewell, Gabrielle wrote on IG:
To Every Fan of Being Mary Jane,
We have all worked so tirelessly to bring you a show that we could be proud to be a part of. Mary Jane has become my favorite character. We've screwed up together, laughed together, evolved together, and raised hell together. I love all her imperfections, and through playing her I became more forgiving of others who are imperfect and on the journey of self discovery and improvement. We watched her struggle with relationships with both men and women, and we watched her finally start to get her shit together. But the journey isn't over yet. We, as a Being Mary Jane family, cannot wait to bring you this final 2 hour series finale movie that will answer all your questions about each and every character. More than anything, however, we want to thank you with every fiber of our being for faithfully watching the show and supporting our work... from the actors, writers, producers, directors and enormous crew over the years, we are humbled and we remain grateful. Thank you!
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