Read his post below;
By their fruits you shall know them!
Najwa Zebian is a Muslim author and poet. I first stumbled upon her on a Buddhist website, while doing research on a topic.
The ONLY thing needed to make heaven is LOVE.
Don't listen to those saying "if you are not a 'christian' you can't make heaven". Jesus wasn't a Christian and neither was Moses or Aaron or David or even Abraham.
They tell you that because if you aren't Christians who will pay them tithes or give them offerings?
I am a born again christian, but I am aware that heaven requires more than just religion.
Although religion may dictate your lifestyle, it's love that guarantees you heaven.
LOVE GOD and LOVE YOUR NEIGBOR, NOTHING ELSE, if you can do this as a Buddhist or a Muslim, or whatever else your religion may be, heaven awaits you! ~FRZ
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