Read his post about movie making in the country.
We shoot "emergency films" in Nigeria, it can never win international awards like Oscar... 😋😝😜The mediocrity in #film making in #naija is astronomically, and overwhelmingly pathetic. How can you shoot, or #produce a movie in less than 3 months, and expect it to be nominated for a major #award in #America? 😄😁Even the so called "high budget" movies being produced are not even up to 3 months, this is one of the reasons why our industry seems to be growing in quantity, and not in quality.🎬 I understand every #movie is different. It depends on the length and complexity of the script, and the size of the budget, but how do we explain a movie shot in seven days?😹😸 That's colossal lunacy. In #Hollywood, shooting a film alone takes up to 60 to 120 days on the average, while post #production can take up to six months. In #Nollywood, the array of incompetent, misguided and hyper clumsy looking people being paraded as actors regrettably undermine the quality of our movies. I am the only #popular actor in Nigeria who has ever gotten the attention of an A list #American celeb, 🌎so #believe me when i tell you that some people need to be "bus conductors", "commercial sex workers", "run way models", "tomatoe sellers", "spare part dealers", and not actors and actresses in Nollywood.🙉🙈🏃
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